Recurse Center

Confirming your batch

In rare cases, you might not be able to confirm for the batch of RC you want to come to. This page explains when and why this might happen.

The experience of doing RC is better for everyone when batches have enough people and are gender and racially diverse. At minimum, this helps prevent isolation and stereotype threat from impacting your work. At best, true diversity of experience enriches the intellectual and social fabric of the whole RC community. Batches are also better for everyone when they're larger, because this multiplies the opportunities for collaboration and learning.

Our policy about batch confirmations reflects these goals and constraints. If a batch has more than 25 people confirmed, and fewer than 25% of them are women, trans, and/or nonbinary, then only women, trans, and/or nonbinary people and cis Black men will be able to confirm until we're above 25% again. There isn't a size cap on batches, but our gender balance limit is still in place.

Our admissions criteria are the same for everyone. Our strategy is to get as diverse a pool of applicants as possible and then hold everyone who applies to the same standard. We never admit or reject anyone in the name of improving diversity, and we accept every applicant we believe will benefit from and contribute to RC.

If you’re admitted to RC and your preferred batch is full, you’re welcome to confirm for a different batch, or join the waitlist.