Recurse Center

Apply to RC

We review applications on a rolling basis. You should receive a confirmation email immediately after you apply, and we will review your application within three weeks.

In general, clear and concise answers are better than long ones. Most answers have a 1,500 character max length, but you don't need to write that much.

When writing your application, we encourage you to read about the self-directives and consider how you'll approach them at RC.

We also strongly encourage you to read Applying to RC, About RC, and the FAQ before submitting your application.

Choose your batch

Please select the batch you hope to attend. If you're admitted, you'll have the option to confirm for a different batch if the one you applied to is full or you can no longer attend it.

You can attend your retreat at our Brooklyn hub, online, or any combination of the two. Please do not submit multiple applications to different batches.

Contact info

Please enter your first and last name
Please enter a valid email address
The pronouns you use, e.g. “she/her”, “he/him”, “they/them.”


Please include any that you have: GitHub, LinkedIn, personal web site, etc.

Please enter your GitHub, LinkedIn and other URLs.

Write a program that prints out the numbers 1 to 100 (inclusive). If the number is divisible by 3, print Crackle instead of the number. If it's divisible by 5, print Pop. If it's divisible by both 3 and 5, print CracklePop. You can use any language.

Please solve CracklePop

You can use something like GitHub's gist to host your code. It doesn't need to be long, but it should be something you've written yourself, and not using a framework (e.g., Rails). If you don't have anything to submit, code something small, like a game of tic-tac-toe.

Please share a program you've written.

This doesn't have to be about programming.

Please share a fascinating thing you've learned recently.

Please tell us what you'd like to be doing in two years. It's ok to say, "I don't know."

Please tell us why you want to attend RC.

E.g., things you want to learn or understand better, projects you want to build or contribute to, etc. Consider where the edge of your abilities is, and where you’d like it to be at the end of your batch.

Please tell us what you'd like to work on at RC.

If you'll be attending fully or partly remotely: have you worked remotely in the past? What was successful or challenging about that experience for you?

Please tell us how you plan to attend RC.


This information will not disqualify your application. We use it to better get to know our applicants and where they currently are.

Please describe your programming background.

If so, please describe your experience.

Please tell us if you've worked as a programmer.

Please tell us if you have or are seeking a CS degree.

RC is a full-time commitment, and we ask that you plan to participate Monday-Friday during our core hours (11 am - 5 pm ET).

Please tell us your other commitments.

Alumni interviewers

Recurse Center alumni interview most applicants. If you work with alumni and you don't want them to know you're applying, please enter their name(s) here. Please enter full names, separated by commas.

Demographic info

Have questions? Check our FAQ and email us if it's not answered there.

You cannot submit your application until you've filled out all required fields.